How to Handle Feedback

We’ve all been there before.

You’ve crafted the perfect email or LinkedIn message and feel pretty good about it.

But then you hit send, and the feedback comes rolling in—and it’s not all good.

Maybe it’s constructive, maybe it’s not, but either way, it throws you off your game.

It’s frustrating; we know it. And feeling defensive when receiving criticism is natural, but it’s important to remember that positive or negative feedback is a valuable tool.

So, what do you do when people start criticizing your latest idea?

First of all, don’t take it personally. It’s not about you; it’s about the idea. And if you want your idea to succeed, you need to be open to hearing what people say, even if it isn’t all positive.

That being said, here are a few tips to help you make the most of feedback during your next outreach:

When receiving feedback:

  1. Always try to stay calm, objective, and open-minded.
  2. It can be tempting to get defensive, but it is essential to resist that urge as it will only worsen the situation.
  3. Again, try to avoid taking feedback personally. This way, you focus on improving your pitch and not feeling bad about yourself.
  4. Take a deep breath and read carefully what the person is saying. They may have a valid point that you have yet to consider.
  5. You can ask clarifying questions to understand the other person’s perspective fully.
  6. Avoid getting into an argument about who is right or wrong. Instead, focus on finding a solution that works for everyone involved.
  7. Thank the person for their feedback, even if you disagree. This shows that you value their opinion and helps to build rapport.
  8. Crafting your first messages is very important to avoid negative feedback. You shouldn’t be pitch-slapping in a message; that’s what gets people off their feet and slapping badly with the rejection of your idea. Instead, start as a discovery conversation, figuring out their needs and pain points, and after that, you can pitch away.

If you can take a step back and view the criticism objectively, you can use it to your advantage.

Remember, the goal is to learn and improve.


Criticism can be tough to take, especially when you’re passionate about your work or project. But it’s an essential part of the creative process for any idea to succeed.

Learning to receive feedback can help you hone your skills and improve your chances of success. It is an invaluable asset that can help people learn and grow professionally and personally.

By following these tips, you can ensure that everyone involved feels heard and respected—and that your idea has the best chance of success.

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